Balanced Life Design


You are constantly craving:







You are noticing your stress levels are high, you are constantly overwhelmed and exhausted, and your health and well-being are declining.


  • Compassionately healing your pain

  • Regularly accessing calm

  • Feeling clear about what you want in life

  • Deepening your inner connection & self-trust

  • Creating the life you DESIRE and DESERVE

  • Confidently & authentically living

  • Experiencing balance and FREEDOM

  • Gaining mastery over your gifts


  • Stress, overwhelm, and anxiety to give yourself the gift of peace

  • Feeling like you’re not enough… yet too much...

  • Not having time to take care of yourself

  • Feeling disconnected from yourself and your relationships

  • Being frustrated with your lack of progress

  • Feeling stuck and like a failure

  • Wishing for but never reaching your dreams


Here’s how some Highly Sensitives (HSP), Intuitives, and Empaths look for solutions:

  • They get online to scroll through ‘self-help’ content, hoping the words they read on the screen will magically transform their lives.

  • But all they feel is anxiety and overwhelm when they see the long list of ‘DO this… DON’T do that!”

  • Sometimes they work up the motivation to start creating the changes they want to see in life…

  • Sadly, their lack of consistency and accountability shows up soon after- so, more often than not, they stop before they reach their goals, reinforcing their belief of being a failure and never being enough.

  • Once in a while, they get a glimpse of what it feels like to feel free, clear, and authentic… but then a lack of boundaries in their personal lives, relationships, and/or career prevents them from consistently doing what they KNOW will help them create their dream life.

  • …they just keep getting stuck in the same cycle and can’t seem to move out of it.

Eventually, they give up. I don’t blame them! Feeling stuck sucks. While these gifts can be a powerful asset, not knowing where to start can be overwhelming…

But it DOES NOT have to be this way!

Hi! I’m Leah Waldo, and I am a holistic, trauma-informed wellness and communication coach. I know how it feels to be overwhelmed with the experience of being Highly Sensitive, Intuitive, and Empathic – at one point I was struggling to make it through my day: no energy, low confidence, non-existent self-care, yet would always muster up energy to help someone else when they called.

After a decade of struggling with undiagnosed digestive issues, chronic fatigue, depression, ADHD, and more, I turned to natural remedies including nutrition, therapy, life coaching, energy medicine, supplementation, workshops, research, and reflection to learn how to heal my body and mind and overcome what was stopping me from fully experiencing life.

I was fairly successful in my corporate job but I quickly learned a hard lesson: you can have all the professional success in the world… but unless you know how to create clear boundaries with yourself and others, learn how to self-regulate, cultivate a healthy mindset around self-worth and communication, and process and heal from trauma, it’s not possible to have the life you dream of and deserve.

So I set off on a mission to learn everything I could about being Highly Sensitive, Intuitive, and Empathic in an effort to get to a place where I was finally thriving

In my search to master my gifts, I experienced an increase in my energy and focus, a higher level of self-awareness, authentic self-expression, and a deepened connection to myself and others. I learned to generate a solid foundation of calm and confidence while communicating healthy boundaries with ease… And everyone started asking how they could replicate the same results in THEIR lives too.

I am living proof that consistent integration of energy medicine, healthy communication, compassionate mindset practices, and nervous system regulation really works. These experiences and others have given me a unique drive and passion to support other Highly Sensitive, Intuitive, and Empathic folks on their journey toward optimal health and wellness.

I designed a program to teach my signature methodology that has allowed me to help clients deepen their inner connection, access their gifts, release stress and anxiety, and learn how to clearly communicate boundaries with compassion so they can create an authentic, balanced life they love. That is how “Balanced Life Design” was born!